
Core Strengthening

It is a common misconception that the best way to get a flat stomach or six pack abs is to crunch until the cows come home. Your stomach has four layers of muscles and sit ups and crunches activate mainly the superficial layer – the rectus abdominis. Abs are just like a present – it’s what’s on the inside that matters most. By strengthening your deeper abdominal muscles, transverse abdominis, with core strengthening exercises you can achieve a leaner stomach as well as improve posture and prevent back injuries.

This is one of the most versatile and effective core strengthening exercises. Keep your bottom low and engage your core by drawing your stomach up towards your spine (away from the floor.) Try and hold for 30secs to 1 min.


This one targets the obliques AKA Love Handles/Muffin Tops but is also great for shoulder stability strengthening. As above, try and hold for 30secs to 1 min.

To target your lower abdominals, start with your legs up, feet pointing to the ceiling. Slowly lower your feet to the floor until you feel your back starting to arch. Then tuck your knees to your chest and bring your feet back up to the ceiling and repeat the move. Repeat x 10.

To support your lower back place your hands under your lumbar spine (the small of your back)


The reason Superman was able to leap tall buildings in a single bound was because of his incredible core strength! Your posterior core, multifidus are just as important as your abdominals. Lift your feet and arms/shoulders off the floor. Hold for 30sec to 1 min.

For those that have access to a swiss ball, start with it positioned close to your hips. Roll out, supporting yourself on your forearms. Roll only to the point before you feel your back arch. Then roll yourself back to kneeling. This is a great exercise not only for your abs but your glutes and hamstrings as well. Repeat x 10.  

Try 3-4 rounds of this circuit to really feel the burn! Good luck!

HIIT Workout

High Intensity Interval Training:

Working flat out for a period of time followed by a short rest. Effective way of getting the heart rate up and burning calories. 

Follow this routine of exercises.

30 seconds each followed by 30 seconds rest at the end of each round.

Repeat for four rounds.

Park Bench Beginner Workout

Exercising outdoors is always a winner. Fresh air and vitamin D (sometimes!) instead of a stuffy gym, loud music and grunting! Here’s an effective exercise routine that anyone can do, even total beginners.  Try 3 rounds of 10 reps for each exercise.

Step up, lift knee high. Step back off bench, lunge backwards.


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Bend elbows (without shrugging shoulders) Lower self and then push up again.

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Keep core engaged, your body should be in a straight line throughout.

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Bring right knee to right elbow and then change sides. To progress, increase speed

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Back foot up on bench, lunge down 



Post Breast Surgery Rehab

Treatment for breast cancer can be drawn out and debilitating.

Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery come with all sorts of complications causing  movement restrictions and joint stiffness. By the time full movement is regained, the shoulder muscles are usually incredibly weak. It is important to commence gentle strengthening exercises (once full range of movement has been recovered) to prevent postural changes and regain function. Start with a small weight and gradually increase. The added benefit of building muscle tone is that it also reduces the risk of developing lymphoedema.


Keeping arms straight, lift weight out to the side.

Be careful to keep neck long and don’t shrug shoulders.

Repeat x 10


As above but bring weights out in front of you to shoulder height.

Repeat x 10


Can be done with cable or elastic theraband.

Keep elbow in at side and bring forearm out to side away from body.

Repeat x 10


Great beginner level for push ups. Keep body straight and core engaged and bend elbows to bring nose to wall. Push arms straight again.

Repeat x 10

To progress, do on bench or floor.



It’s important to continue with stretches when strengthening to prevent muscle tightness and joint stiffness.

Have arm at a 90 deg angle against wall and turn the chest to look over opposite shoulder.

You will feel a stretch across the front of your chest.

Hold for 30 secs, repeat x 3

Walk fingers up the wall to stretch under the axilla.

Try and keep elbow straight and hold for 30 secs

Repeat x 3

Walk fingers up wall until you feel a stretch.

Hold for 30 secs.

Repeat x 3

For more specific exercise advice or if you have any questions, feel free to contact me!